Fear can paralyze


I have so much I want to share, and it is stirring around inside of me. I have found it very hard to stop overthinking and move on to what I want to accomplish, and that is just to write this blog. I feel paralyzed. Not sure where the fear stems from. Not sure which box I fit into. Not comfortable fitting in a box. Not sure if there is anyone out there that can relate to my life experiences?

So many variations out there. So much input as to how to begin a blog. The dos and the don’ts of successful blogs. You must have one thought or theme to be successful…

I want to be transparent, be myself, and put my personal thoughts, experiences, and feelings out there. Mostly for myself, but also for anyone that may benefit from my life experiences.

So here goes!

This is my personal opinion. You may have all of it, some of it, or none of it.

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